By Chuck Cotton

Road Map

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Many people are lost souls , not knowing which road to take. They have many roads to take but make wrong turns. They never know which way they are going. These souls don’t know God. They have no concrete religious beliefs. They don’t worry about eternal consequences of their earthy actions. The “Just don’t Care attitude “ is their pathway to eternal destruction

Road Map gives lost  souls a final pathway to an eternal life in heaven, not hell.

By Chuck Cotton

Grandpa’s Notes

Author Chuck Cotton started his first business when he was just thirteen years old, a boy growing up in a small town in southern Illinois. Though he faced a host of challenges, the boy persevered and grew into a man who found success in a variety of businesses.

From the time Cotton was a youngster, he’s carried a pen and blank three–by–five notecards in his pocket. He recorded a variety of thoughts and subject matter onto these cards. In Grandpa’s Notes, he compiles his inspiring collection and offers advice and maxims culled from his more than sixty years of life experiences. A God-given gift, his writings include tips and strategies to increase wealth and welfare in day-to-day living.

Offering optimism and hope to all, Grandpa’s Notes shares helpful strategies, experiences, and philosophies aimed to help others excel and have joy in their earthly lives and prepare them for eternity.

about the Author

Chuck Cotton

Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in November 1943 to wonderful parents, Paul and Kathryn Cotton, graduates of theUniversity of Illinois School of Music.  His father taught music at La Grange High School.  Because of a medical condition, he was rejected from military service but worked the second shift in a Chicago bomb factory while Kathryn raised their son.  After the war, they moved to Ridgway, a small village in southern Illinois.  and both began teach band and chorus throughout the school system.  Ridgway was his mother’s hometown and was an ideal town to raise children.  The past three generations of her Phillips family had lived there.  The family were Christians and had founded the local Presbyterian church.  Chuck became a member at twelve years of age.
His parents taught Charles and his sister, Nancy, the right things to do and to be good Christians.  They were grateful they gave each of them a well-balanced childhood.  Sometimes though, they did not do the right things and sinned, but always asked Jesus to forgive them of the sins they committed.

His athletic career in basketball and baseball was quite noted for a kid from a small town.  His father and Bob Dallas, the coach, molded him in so many ways to become successful in whatever he did.  Some of their lifetime lessons are shared throughout Chuck’s book, Grandpa’s Notes, and apply to anyone from any walk of life.


There is a certain winner’s attitude – a belief instilled in you – when you work hard, work smart, and work as a team.  No opponent is unbeatable.  This was part of my Illinois Hall of Fame coach Bob Dallas’s legacy.

– Chuck Cotton

Grandpa’s Notes
Chapter 4 – Winning Attitudes – Business and Athletics

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